Educated children and youth create a healthy and peaceful society.
Inclusive education for all is critical for a healthy and peaceful society.
About Us
Ter Kwe is a Community-Based Organization founded in 2021 after the coup in Myanmar, providing education for young children and youth in Win Ye Township, Dooplaya District, Karen State. We seek to bring alternative learning spaces for young children and youth who have yet to have the opportunity to study in the formal education system.
Our Work
Community School
In 2021 Ter Kwe opened a community-based school for primary children which is still running with 44 children and five community teachers.
Youth Empowerment
In 2023, the organization set up a year-long youth program. The program will teach social studies and soft leadership skills to empower community youth.
The organization also recently did a community-based research paper on gravel extraction and environmental impact with ten community youth researchers which was published by Karen Peace Support Network.